Our Services
The many services we provide are governed by the constantly changing circumstances of our clients throughout retirement. Examples of our services include:
Cash Flow Management
Examine tax efficient assets for income, make provisions for unexpected large expenses or windfalls, serve as a go-between involving large sales and pruchases, assist with the needs of disabled parents and children, and revise goals as necessary.
Investment Management
Construct and monitor income models, diversify for both time and type of investments, provide single point access for account information, consistently review return and volatility, update accounts with changing circumstances, analyze advantages and disadvantages of various investments and screen third party investment promotions.
Tax Management
Monitor income and estate tax changes, provide projections for discussionwith tax professionals, assist tax professionals to procure datat necessary to file returns, review required minimum distributions from retirement plans, assist with charitable donations from retirement plans, meet with tax professionals as necessary and review returns.
Risk Management
Review insurance contracts for adequacy, coordinate risk transfer and retention, provide recommendations for review by insurance professionals, meet with insurance professionals as needed and assist with the planning necessary to fund extraordinary medical expenses.
Legacy Management
Review estate plan documents, provide projections and recommendations for review with estate attorney, meet with attorneys as necessary, assist attorney with implementation of recommendations, review asset ownership and beneficiary designations, monitor changes in legislation with taxation, review buy-sell agreements and other business transactions and assist with needs of trustees.
Charitable Management
Analyze tax advantages of charitable gifts, assist with asset selection for charitable gifts, meet with attorneys, accountants, and development directors as necessary and assist with management of charitable assets.
Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid Management
Analyze Social Security to maximize benefits, examine supplemental health care insurance for adequacy and review necessity for Medicaid assistance.
Employer Benefits Management
Review summary plan descriptions, assist with asset selection prior to retirement, analyze distribution options and assist with distribution documents.